Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All smiles...

So, there are so many stories I could tell about my journey of becoming a "mom." There are so many stories I could also tell about becoming a Mom.  I have stories about breastfeeding, and childbirth.  I have stories about 5 year old Delina, and the beginnings of our relationship.  We'll eventually get to them.  I promise...  (I know you must have been worried that I wasn't gonna EVER tell you all about my experiences breastfeeding.... but they're coming!).  The defining moment in my journey so far has to be the moment my son Anthony first smiled at me.  There were several tiny smirks before that, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING, will ever compare to the first time he opened his mouth, showed me his gums and his whole face, eyes and all, smiled at me.  It was around 7 pm on February 8th.  I was sitting on the couch, Anth on my lap.  I was talking to him, just as I always had... and he looked at me and smiled soooo big he melted my heart.  I literally started crying.  (Why is it that we as mothers cry the first time we see our children smile?  Isn't that weird?) He did it twice in a row, which made me cry just a bit harder... Then, being a typical mother, (although I hate to admit that...) I called everyone who I thought would care, even a litle bit, and told them how my big boy had smiled.
I cried again at 5 the next morning when he was up for a feed and smiled at me again.  I cried again every time he smiled at me for the next few days.  I still, almost 2 months later, melt each and every time I see that smile.  The best part about it has got to be that no matter how sad he is, I can get him to smile at me.  That's the definition of the love that exists between a mother and her son.  It's gotta be!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh, there is nothing better. :) I do anything to make Henry smile and he only smiles a certain way for me. It is the most love I have ever felt and it makes me melt still at nearly 8 months. Has Anth laughed yet? That's a close second!
