Thursday, June 9, 2011

Secrets I've learned. Usually from mistakes I've made.

My kiddos
I've decided that from now on I'm going to include posts containing recipes I've either learned or made up, things that work in our house and things that don't. I have an extremely picky 5 year old step daughter who adamantly refuses to eat vegetables, and a very agreeable 5 month old who doesn't give me much trouble, so some the things I do definitely will only work for some babies, but I'm telling you, if it works in my house when it comes to preschool aged children, then most likely, it'll work for anyone. The other thing I should mention is that Anthony is allergic to wheat, soy and milk we found out recently.  So, most of the things I make are free of gluten, soy and dairy.  If something contains something from this list, I will note that it is not free of allergens.
Homemade chicken nuggets

First, I have a habit of hiding veggies in anything Delina will eat.  Zucchini and squash in chicken nuggets, carrots and sweet potatoes in mac and cheese, broccoli and spinach in meatballs and hamburgers and my favorite, any veggie I have in the house goes in my tomato sauce when we make homemade pizza.  My food processor is my best friend.  I'm not kidding.  All these veggies can easily be hidden if they are pureed, and if you do it right, they won't even taste a difference. 
Homemade Meatballs
With Gluten free Pasta

I also make all my own baby food.  This is another reason I love my food processor.  I will share secrets about this as well.

Last... cleaning supplies.  I make them myself, or use green, if I can't make a better one myself.  I will give you my thoughs on this... I also will definitely let you know when I find an awesome product you should know about!!!

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